Article 1 of 5 in Series: RV Holding Tank Sensors
Sensor problems have caused headaches for new and seasoned RVers since tank sensors first became a thing. So many RVers who are forced to play Guess-How-Full with their tanks sometimes decide they can never depend on sensors to correctly read tank levels, but the fix is often very simple and inexpensive. In this series of articles, we’re going to cover everything you need to know about RV tank sensors and how to fix sensor problems.
- Why Are My RV Sensors Not Working? How Do I Fix Them?
- How to Clean and Restore RV Holding Tank Sensors
- Choosing the Right Products or Methods for Cleaning RV Tank Sensors
- RV Tank Sensors: How to Prevent False Readings
These articles will describe exactly how RV tank sensors work, how they can begin to misread, and steps for restoring them to proper working order. The final two articles will provide tips on preventing sensor misreadings and information on some of the popular products and cleaning methods out there and why we believe they are or are not effective.
Understanding a problem is the first step to fixing it, so if you’re dealing with misreading sensors right now, read the next article to find out why they’re not working.

Misreading Sensors? We Can Help!
Misreading tank sensors are very common and in most cases pretty simple to fix! We’ve helped thousands of RVers restore their misreading sensors in their RV black and gray tanks, and this Field Guide (our free downloadable PDF) is going to help you!
Get The Free Download