The Unique Method

Older Couple In an RV Using A Map to Navigate. The Unique Method Older Couple In an RV Using A Map to Navigate. The Unique Method

Enjoy Problem-Free Holding Tanks With The Unique Method

RVs are notoriously problematic and wastewater systems are no exception to this rule.

Fact #1: If you own an RV you will probably, at some point, run into a problem with your black tank, toilets, or gray tanks.

Fact #2: If you ask for help with your wastewater systems around the campground (or the internet) you’re going to get lots of advice and conflicting information (most of which is a waste of time and/or money, unfortunately)!

To help you cut through the rumors and misinformation, we created an easy process called The Unique Method. If you follow these simple rules you can camp without toilet odors, clogs, or misreading sensors!

We’ve been solving wastewater problems professionally for 30 years, and we help thousands of RVers solve their toughest wastewater problems every year, so it’s safe to say we know a thing or two about the RIGHT way to maintain problem-free holding tanks!

No Magic Bullets

Before you get started, there is something very important you need to understand… No holding tank treatment is a magic bullet! Every brand of holding tank treatments will pitch their product like it’s a miracle-worker. They will tell you they break down waste, eliminate odors, and prevent sensor probe problems.

As a brand that makes several of America’s best selling tank treatments, we want to tell you that too, but it’s simply not true. No single product can solve all your RV wastewater issues. For a treatment to be effective, you must also follow a few simple rules. Once you understand this, you’ve unlocked the secret to maintaining problem-free holding tanks.

Understanding The Unique Method

The Unique Method is 50% following the right Process and 50% using the right Products.

  • The Right Process: We have a simple set of rules that can allow you camp odor- and clog-free! They are slightly different for hookup campers and dry campers, and they work best when paired with the right products.
  • The Right Products: Bio-enzymatic (bacteria + enzyme) formulas are the gold standard of RV tank treatments. Why are they the gold standard? Though there are many different types of holding tank treatments available, only those powered by bacteria and enzymes are capable of doing ALL the things necessary to enjoy problem-free RV holding tanks: elimination of odors at the source, solid waste breakdown (poop and toilet paper), and sensor probe maintenance. Other treatments can usually do ONE of these things (thought they promise to do all of them!), but only bacteria and enzymes are scientifically capable of doing them all, effectively. For our method to be most effective we recommend using bacteria and enzyme products like those found in our Unique Camping + Marine product lineup.
Our entire product line up to be used with the Unique Method Our entire product line up to be used with the Unique Method

Following The Unique Method is Simple

You can now use our easy-to-follow rules to solve 99% of your problems as long as you use high-quality bacteria + enzyme products. As the developers of The Unique Method, we’ve built our products around these rules. There are also several key tasks that you’ll want to do regularly to ensure the method works most effectively.

If you choose to use Unique Camping + Marine products with The Unique Method, we’ve made this as understandable as possible by adding an icon on the back of every bottle, to help you identify when and how often you should be using any particular product.

Products Categories. 1 The Unique Method.

Use Every Time You Dump

Products Categories. 2 The Unique Method.

Use Often

Products Categories. 3 The Unique Method.

Use Every 4-6 Months

Products Categories. 4 The Unique Method.

Use as Needed

Ready To Get Started?

The Unique Method For Black Tanks

Download and Print The Unique Method

  1. Keep your black tank valve closed at all times, except when dumping the tank.
  2. Activate your black tank by adding 2-4 gallons of water and a high-quality bacteria + enzyme tank treatment to your black tank (we recommend RV Digest-It Plus) before you use the toilet. Repeat after every tank dump.
  3. Keep several inches of water in your toilet bowl while parked to block tank odors from coming up into your living space.
  4. Use ample amounts of water when using the toilet.
  5. Fill the toilet bowl with water before using it.
  6. Fully flush the toilet after using it, holding down the foot pedal for at least 10 seconds.
  7. Never clean your RV toilet with home cleaners that will damage toilet seals and disrupt black tanks. Clean your RV toilets with Scrub-It RV Toilet Cleaner or another RV-toilet-safe cleaner.
  8. Never use household disinfectants like bleach, Pine-Sol, zinc-based products, or other antibacterial cleaners to treat your black tank.
  9. Dump your black tank every 3-5 days for best results.
  10. Thoroughly rinse your black tank after every dump. The most effective method is to fill your black tank with fresh, clean, water, then dump your tank. Do this twice.
  11. Keep your holding tanks under 85°F in hot weather by flushing more water, more often into the tank.
  12. Deep clean your black tank with Clean-It Black Tank Deep Cleaner at the beginning and end of RV season if you’re a seasonal camper, or every 4-6 months if you’re full-timing.
  13. Never store your RV with poop or paper in the tanks. We recommend using the time between camping trips to deep clean your tanks with Unique Store-It

The Unique Method For Gray Tanks

Gray & Galley Tank Rules For Hookup Camping

Download and Print The Unique Method

  1. Deep clean your gray tanks often, using a strong grease-eating cleaner like Dawn Ultra dish soap to prevent sensor problems and odors.
  2. Leave your gray tank valve open with the sewer discharge hose connected to the sewer port. Add a p-trap to the sewer discharge hose to prevent sewer odors, gas, and sewer flies from backing up into the RV.
  3. Wash your dishes with a high-quality grease-eating dish soap like Dawn Ultra.
  4. Scrape plates and use sink strainers to minimize the amount of food, grease, and debris that goes down your kitchen and bathroom drains.
  5. Avoid using caustic or antibacterial chemicals when cleaning your tub,shower, or sinks.
  6. Deep clean your gray / galley tanks before storing your RV. Store gray tanks dry.

Gray & Galley Tank Rules For Dry Camping

  1. Deep clean your gray tanks often, using a strong grease-eating cleaner like Dawn Ultra dish soap to prevent sensor problems and odors.
  2. Keep your gray tank valve closed except when dumping your tanks at an approved dump station.
  3. Wash your dishes with a high-quality grease-eating dish soap like Dawn Ultra.
  4. Scrape plates and use sink strainers to minimize the amount of food, grease, and debris that goes down your kitchen and bathroom drains.
  5. Avoid using caustic or antibacterial chemicals when cleaning your tub, shower, or sinks.
  6. On the last night of your boondocking trip, perform a deep-clean on your gray/galley tanks using a strong grease-eating cleaner like Dawn Ultra dish soap. Store gray tanks dry.
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