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Flush-It 2-in-1 Toilet Cleaner and Holding Tank Treatment. Unique Camping + Marine Flush-It 2-in-1 Toilet Cleaner and Holding Tank Treatment. Unique Camping + Marine

How It Works

Flush-It is the first and only 2-in-1 RV toilet bowl cleaner + black tank treatment! With Flush-It, you can save time and stress by doing two jobs at once:

  1. Remove debris, stains and odors from your RV toilet bowl
  2. Treat your black tank to prevent odors, waste buildup, and ensure properly reading sensor probes

Flush-It is designed to be dropped into your RV toilet bowl where it begins to work fast with surface cleaning micro-scrubbers that deliver a shiny toilet bowl. Then, flush your toilet and sit back while Flush-it moves through your black tank, delivering billions of specialized bacteria and targeted enzymes throughout the tank to prevent odors, waste buildup, and clogs! We recommend that you use Flush-It at the beginning of every camping trip and every time you dump your tanks (ideally every 3-5 days) to ensure fresh-smelling toilets and problem-free tanks.

With Flush-It, you can expect sparkling bowls and problem-free black tanks.

All of these expectations can be achieved if you are using Flush-It correctly. Below we will address common problems RVers run into and how you can solve them with Flush-It.

What To Expect

Green Checkmark. Unique Camping + Marine

Clean + Odor-Free Toilet Bowls

Green Checkmark. Unique Camping + Marine

No Black Tank Odors

Green Checkmark. Unique Camping + Marine

No Waste Buildup Inside Black Tank

Green Checkmark. Unique Camping + Marine

Properly Functioning Sensor Probes

Green Checkmark. Unique Camping + Marine

World Class Customer Support

Green Checkmark. Unique Camping + Marine

Compatibility With The Unique Method

Having problems? We can help!

Solve Common Problems With Flush-It

Smelly Tank Odors

Sewer smells from your black tank can make RVing unbearable and embarrassing. Eliminate persistent black tank odors with Flush-It.

Clogs and Built-Up Solid Waste

Many holding tank treatments fail to break down solids and paper, leaving you with clogs and residual waste. Solve holding tank waste buildup with Flush-It.

Stains and Odors In My Toilet Bowl

RV toilet bowls can be tricky. Stains and odors can become a problem for a number of reasons that only RVers would understand. Solve it with Flush-It.

Main Method

Flush-It is powered by bacteria and enzymes, the gold standard of holding tank treatment ingredients. Why are they the gold standard? Though there are many different types of holding tank treatments available, only those powered by bacteria and enzymes are capable of doing ALL of the things necessary inside an RV holding tank: odor elimination, solid waste breakdown, and sensor probe maintenance. Other treatments can usually do ONE of these things, but only bacteria and enzymes can do them all with the most guaranteed success.

There are a few things that can inhibit Flush-It’s success, so take note that you don’t do these things as they will reduce the effectiveness of Flush-It:

Using Too Little Water

Bacteria and enzymes are living organisms and must remain hydrated to survive. If you use too little water, you will dehydrate the bacteria and they won’t be able to do their job of odor elimination and waste digestion.

Be sure to hold your flush pedal down for 10 FULL SECONDS every time you flush your toilet.

Another issue that sufficient water solves is “the porta potty effect.” This is when your poop and paper form into a mountain and stick out above the water line due to insufficient amounts of water in the tank. Once poop is exposed above the water, NO holding tank treatment will be effective in eliminating the odor! Keep your poop underwater by using enough water with every flush.

How much water is going down your tank every time you flush? Watch this video to find out!

Not Dumping Your Tanks Frequently Enough

If you are using enough water with every flush, the average family of 4 should have to dump their typical 40 gallon black tank every 3-5 days. Sure, you can extend this but you are doing it at your own risk! Allowing a tank to go beyond 7 days without dumping will likely cause your tank to turn “septic.” This is when the environment inside your tank becomes ideal for anaerobic bacteria (the BAD bacteria that come from your stomach and create that all-too-familiar toilet smell) and they begin to take over and wreak havoc.

Dumping frequently enough will help solve this problem. Plan your trips around one weekly dump at minimum, or ideally dump and re-treat every 3-5 days.

Camping In High-Heat, Low-Water Situations

As we have mentioned several times, bacteria are living organisms. If you camp in temperatures that are above 85℉, you must keep the bacteria hydrated and the tanks cool. Otherwise the tanks will become septic and bad bacteria will take over – and when they do, odors begin to show up. Some RVers don’t like to face this reality. They believe they have a right to camp in excessively hot climates, without adding any water (pee is not water!) to their tanks because they don’t want to break camp to go dump their tanks every week. If you are the stubborn type who insists on camping this way, please know that you cannot have your cake and eat it too. You may be able to eliminate odors with certain chemical or zinc-based holding tank treatments, but it is only a matter of time before you have clogs, waste buildup, and misreading sensors. Trust us, we’ve helped thousands of RVers solve tank problems because they insisted on camping this way, treating their tanks with these types of treatments, and they ended up paying the price. Using enough water isn’t a suggestion, it’s a requirement. Rest assured, thousands of RVer use bacteria and enzyme treatments like Flush-It in extremely hot temperatures successfully – and you can too!

Man in a blue t-shirt covers his nose because of pungent smell. Unique Camping + Marine
Tank Odors

My Black Tank Stinks

If you are still battling black tank smells after treating with Flush-It, the answer is usually simple: use more water. The overwhelming majority of people who contact us are able to solve their odor problems by simply increasing the amount of water they use with each flush. See above for more information on this. Additionally, we recommend that all RVers follow The Unique Method. Following this method will eliminate 99% of all odor issues in your black tank. If you believe you are using enough water, and you are following The Unique Method, and you are still getting an odor, please contact our customer support team for assistance. This is extremely rare and there may be some other uncommon factors that are causing odors in your tank that need to be addressed.

Person wearing gloves using a plunger to remove a clog from an RV toilet.
Waste Buildup

I’m Getting Clogs And Waste Buildup in My Black Tank

Our blends of bacteria and enzymes are stronger and more effective than any other products on the market and nothing will break down solid waste better than our treatments - we mean that! If you are experiencing waste buildup inside your black tank it’s likely you are doing something that is causing that to happen.

  • One of the most common causes of waste buildup is keeping your black tank valve open when camping on hook-ups. It’s a simple rule ALL RVers must follow – your black tank valve must always be kept closed, except when dumping your tanks.
  • Another common issue is failing to rinse or flush your tanks. Over time waste can build up if you aren’t rinsing your tanks regularly and sufficiently. Never store your RV with waste in the black tank.
  • Additionally, if your RV is even slightly out-of-level when you camp, you may be getting waste buildup in the low spots of your tank.
  • Lastly, holding tanks can warp over time, causing low spots where waste can accumulate and not flow out. We recommend rinsing your tanks for 20-30 minutes after every dump to help prevent waste accumulation inside your black tank.

RV toilet stains and odors from plastic RV toilet. Unique Camping + Marine
Bowl Odors and Stains

My Toilet Bowl Has Stains And/Or Odors

RV toilet bowls can be made out of porcelain, ceramic, or plastic. Plastic bowls can be especially difficult because they can get scratched if you scrub your bowl with an abrasive toilet brush or pumice stone. These scratches tend to hold debris and staining and cause bowls to look especially unpleasant. Additionally, nearly all RV toilets have rubber seals and gaskets that can begin to look bad over time. To help resolve scratch-stains and gross-looking gaskets, we recommend leaving Flush-It inside the bowl for an extended period of time before flushing the toilet. It’s simple.

  1. Fill your bowl with enough water to cover any stains
  2. Drop one Flush-It pod into the water and allow the pod to fully dissolve
  3. Scrub your toilet bowl with a silicone toilet brush
  4. Walk away and let sit for several minutes to several hours (no amount of time is too long or could cause damage)
  5. Scrub your bowl once more to release the softened staining
  6. Flush the toilet

Using Flush-It With The Unique Method

The Unique Method is an easy-to-follow treatment method that is used by thousands of RVers every day to prevent holding tank problems before they happen. Treating your holding tanks with Flush-It, following The Unique Method, will ensure your holding tanks remain free from odors, clogs, and misreading sensors. The graphic below shows where Flush-It fits into The Unique Method treatment process.

Unique Method Flow Chart icons Unique Method Flow Chart icons

Frequently Asked Questions


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Monday - Friday
9am - 3pm MST
Email: support@uniquemm.com
Phone: (866) 662-4513
