September Newsletter 2024

  • 2 min read

September Newsletter 2024

Hello Ultra-Concentrate!

Since 1995 we’ve been leading the pack when it comes to developing, innovating, and driving new products to help RVers solve your toughest wastewater problems.

We were the first company to introduce current staples like:

  • RV Toilet Bowl Cleaners
  • Black Tank Uncloggers
  • Black Tank Deep Cleaners
  • Silicone RV Toilet Brushes
  • Black Tank Sensor Cleaners

Last year we upped the ante with RV Digest-It Plus.

Here’s how it went down…

Our flagship product, RV Digest-It Classic, has always been a leader. It is the best selling bio-enzymatic (bacteria + enzyme) treatment for a reason… because unlike many of the products that are on the market, it actually does what is says it’s going to do:

  • Eliminate odors
  • Prevent clogs and pyramids by breaking down poop
  • Digest all brands of toilet paper
  • Maintain clean, functioning sensor probes

All tank treatments say they do these things, but RV Digest-It Classic was the first ( and most successful!) at living up to those promises.

In 2023 we took the Classic formula, increased the strength and retooled it so it could break down toilet paper faster and be more effective in high heat climates (where toilet odors tend to start rearing their ugly heads!) and launched the upgraded product as RV Digest-it Plus.

RV Digest-It Plus took the best, and made it stronger and better.

Keep Moving Forward

We’ve done it again… Say hello to RV Digest-It Plus Ultra-Concentrate!

We took our RV Digest-It Plus formula and concentrated it even more - so, instead of needing two ounces per treatment, now you only need one ounce!

That means our 32 ounce bottle comes with 32 treatments - and right now it’s only $21.99 - so you can treat your RV holding tank for only 69¢!

Not only is it more affordable, the new Ultra-Concentrate introduces our new no-mess, easy-to-measure dispenser bottle so you can measure out one ounce of treatment easily, every time!

Upgrade to Ultra-Concentrate and save money, reduce hassle, and enjoy all of the same benefits you’re used to with RV Digest-It Plus!

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The Unique Method Field Guide. Unique Camping + Marine
Field Guide

Prevent Common Problems In Your Tanks!

From misreading sensors, preventing clogs, or eliminating odors, we've got you covered no matter how you camp! All our best holding tank tips and trick information plus more can be found conveniently in one place when you download our FREE Unique Method Field Guide PDF. Achieve holding tank bliss today!

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