Read series from the beginning
RV deodorizers and tank fresheners often contain additional fragrances to hide the bad smells with stronger smells. One of the reasons they have to do this is because the treatment itself contains chemicals that will kill waste-eating bacteria. Once the bacteria is dead, there’s nothing breaking down the waste and as a result, nothing controlling the odors. Some might say, “So what? I control the odors in my home bathroom by spraying the air with a freshener like Glade or Febreze.” Yes, but like many of these tank deodorizers, Glade and Febreze do nothing but cover the odors and overwhelm the space with another strong fragrance; it would not really improve the aromatic standards of RVing.
In the same way, an RVing hack that many people hear about through word-of-mouth and on RV forums is that pouring Pine-Sol down the toilet and into the black tank(s) is an effective deodorizer, when actually it is a bacteria-killer and odor-masker; we do not recommend using Pine-Sol. There are some fragrance only treatments that won’t kill bacteria, but they still rely on added fragrances to overpower the toilet odors. So again, deodorizers and fresheners that do not contain bacteria or zinc probably use harsh chemicals to achieve odor elimination, and often it’s not so much odor elimination as odor replacement.
We’re almost done! The next and final article will review a summary of everything we’ve discussed about The Unique Method and will describe our commitment to transparency so you can feel confident when using our products.

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From misreading sensors, preventing clogs, or eliminating odors, we've got you covered no matter how you camp! All our best holding tank tips and trick information plus more can be found conveniently in one place when you download our FREE Unique Method Field Guide PDF. Achieve holding tank bliss today!
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